E-mail marketing automates marketing

O E-mail marketing automates marketing consists of one of the main strategies adopted in the virtual environment, with the main objective of improving results in terms of sales.

What is email marketing?

It consists of an advertising option online adopted by several companies and independent professionals who wish to promote their products and services in a different way, with the main objectives being:

  • Generate more visitors to the company's website;
  • Improve presence online;
  • Increase the sales;
  • Strengthen relationships with customers, making them more loyal and natural promoters of the brand.

How does E-mail marketing automation work?

Due to the fact that E-mail marketing is applied to hundreds or even thousands of contacts, it is humanly impossible to do this task manually, as it would require a large number of people and even so, several errors and lack of analysis would occur. regarding the profile of contacts or potential customers.

In other words, to make E-mail marketing strategies viable, it is essential to have the support of a software automation or marketing. That software It doesn't just consist of sending emails to a mass of contacts, but rather, its objectives are:

  • Manage campaigns based on user behavior and profile;
  • Facilitate the application of E-mail marketing strategies;
  • Appropriately apply segmentation filters, reaching people who are really interested in the products or services offered.

What are the advantages of marketing automation?


With an automated system it is possible to significantly reduce costs with large marketing teams, since both E-mail marketing tasks and other strategies in this area are carried out in an automated way.

best relationship

Automation helps to establish continuous interaction with contacts, increasing the chances of turning them into loyal customers.

Enhances the segment

It favors the application and obtaining results regarding segmentation strategies, focusing on contacts who have genuine interest. Tell us